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Committed information rate

(also CIR)

Committed information rate definition

The committed information rate (CIR) refers to the lowest assured data transmission speed provided by a network service provider for a designated connection. This guarantee ensures that a specific bandwidth quantity is consistently accessible for a client's network traffic, irrespective of network congestion or other external factors. Generally, CIR is expressed in kilobits per second (Kbps), megabits per second (Mbps), or gigabits per second (Gbps).

Committed information rate examples

  • A business may have a CIR of 50 Mbps, meaning the service provider always guarantees a minimum bandwidth of 50 Mbps for the connection.
  • A residential customer might have a CIR of 10 Mbps, ensuring they have sufficient bandwidth for essential internet tasks like browsing and email.

Committed information rate vs. maximum information rate

The maximum information rate (MIR) is the highest possible data transfer rate a network connection can achieve under optimal conditions. MIR is typically higher than the CIR, which means that the actual bandwidth available to a user can be higher than the guaranteed minimum (CIR) if the network is not congested.

Benefits of committed information rate

  • Improved performance: A guaranteed minimum bandwidth ensures that essential network traffic is not impacted during periods of high congestion.
  • Predictable costs: CIRs are often offered as part of a service level agreement (SLA), which helps customers budget for their network expenses more accurately.

Committed information rate tips

  • Choose a CIR that meets your minimum bandwidth requirements for essential network activities.
  • Consider the potential impact of network congestion on your connection when selecting a CIR.