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CloudTrust protocol

CloudTrust protocol definition

CloudTrust protocol (CTP) refers to a mechanism that provides transparent security and compliance information about cloud services. In simpler terms, CTP is a way to assess and understand how secure a cloud service is. As it’s not widely adopted, currently ISO/IEC 27001 is an international standard outlining best practices for an ISM system.

See also: cloud operating system, protocol conversion, public cloud infrastructure

How does CloudTrust protocol work?

  1. 1.Data collection. It collects data on the operations of cloud service providers.
  2. 2.Assessment. The data is assessed according to the standards set out in the protocol.
  3. 3.Scoring. The CTP generates a trust score for each provider based on its assessment.
  4. 4.Reporting. The trust scores are then made available to potential cloud service customers.

CloudTrust protocol benefits

  • Transparency. It increases the transparency of cloud service providers, helping customers make informed decisions about their security.
  • Simplified compliance. With CTP, the auditing process is simpler because organizations can quickly determine whether a cloud service meets their compliance needs.
  • Trust-building. By providing an open and standardized security rating system, CTP can help build trust between cloud service providers and their customers.


  • Lack of support. Not all cloud providers support it, which hinders CTP adoption.
  • Lack of enforcement. No authority is enforcing the use of CTP.
  • Potential for misinterpretation. Customers may misinterpret the security levels indicated by CTP, leading to an inflated sense of security.