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Carrier Ethernet

(also CE)

Carrier Ethernet definition

Carrier Ethernet is a technology that allows service providers (e.g., internet or telecommunications companies) to offer high-speed, standardized Ethernet connectivity to businesses and homes.

It enables the efficient and cost-effective transport of data, voice, and video services over Ethernet networks, providing a flexible and scalable solution for communication needs. Think of it as a fast highway that service providers use to deliver internet and other communication services to your home or business.

See also: Ethernet

Five key attributes of CE

  • Scalability. Carrier Ethernet allows for expanding and adapting services to meet growing demands, supporting a wide range of applications and user requirements.
  • Reliability. Carrier Ethernet networks are designed to be highly reliable. They have built-in mechanisms to detect and recover from failures and ensure continuous service.
  • Quality of service (QoS). Carrier Ethernet provides different levels of QoS to prioritize and guarantee performance for various types of traffic, including voice, video, and data.
  • Standards-based. Carrier Ethernet follows rules that are agreed upon by experts in the industry. These rules, set by organizations like IEEE and MEF, ensure that Carrier Ethernet works well with various equipment from various companies.
  • Service management. Carrier Ethernet offers comprehensive service management capabilities, allowing administrators to efficiently provision, monitor, diagnose, and maintain network services.

Carrier Ethernet benefits

  • Carrier Ethernet is known for its cost-effective nature compared to alternative technologies like leased lines or traditional TDM networks.
  • Carrier Ethernet is flexible and can support a variety of services and applications.
  • Carrier Ethernet enables service providers to extend their network reach and connect multiple sites, including local and wide area networks.