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Home Broadband router

Broadband router

(also wireless router, internet router)

Broadband router definition

A broadband router serves as a networking apparatus that links numerous devices to the internet while enabling them to interact with one another. This device is widely employed in residential and commercial settings to establish a local area network (LAN) and provide internet connectivity to computers, smartphones, and other gadgets. Broadband routers come with security functions such as firewall protection, and specific models may offer advanced features such as virtual private network (VPN) integration or parental control options.

See also: WAN

Examples of broadband routers

  • DSL router: A type of router that connects to a digital subscriber line (DSL) to provide internet access.
  • Cable router: A router designed to work with cable internet service providers (ISPs) via a coaxial cable connection.
  • Wireless router: A router that includes a built-in wireless access point, enabling devices to connect wirelessly over Wi-Fi.

Choosing the right broadband router

  • Consider your internet service type (DSL, cable, or fiber) to ensure compatibility.
  • Look for routers with support for the latest Wi-Fi standards (Wi-Fi 6 or 6E) for better performance and future-proofing.
  • Opt for routers with VPN support if you prioritize privacy and security.

Pros and cons of broadband routers


  • Allows multiple devices to connect to the internet simultaneously.
  • Can provide both wired and wireless connections.
  • Advanced security features like firewalls, parental controls, and virtual private network (VPN) support.


  • May require regular firmware updates for security and performance improvements.
  • Wireless connections may experience interference, leading to slower speeds or connectivity issues.