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Home Autonomic computing

Autonomic computing

(also AC)

Autonomic computing definition

Autonomic computing is a way of designing computer systems to mimic the self-regulation found in the human body's autonomic nervous system. These systems are built to manage, heal, optimize, and protect themselves, reducing humans' need for routine maintenance and management tasks.

See also: autonomous intelligence

How autonomic computing works

  • Policy-based management. Autonomic computing relies on policies defined by system admins or designers. These policies act as a guide for how the system behaves and makes decisions.
  • Self-configuration. AC systems can automatically configure themselves. For example, a server cluster can configure itself to handle increased web traffic.
  • Self-optimization. Autonomic systems monitor their performance and make changes to optimize resource usage. For instance, a cloud service may allocate more virtual machines during peak hours.
  • Self-healing. When part of the system fails, autonomic systems can detect, diagnose, and solve problems without human intervention. For example, a storage system can see a failing disk and replace it automatically.
  • Self-protection. Autonomic systems include security measures that detect and respond to threats. For instance, a firewall can adapt its rules to block suspicious network traffic.
  • Feedback loops. Autonomic systems use feedback mechanisms to assess performance and make adjustments as needed.
  • Machine learning and AI. Advanced autonomic systems may use machine learning and artificial intelligence algorithms to improve decision-making and adaptability.