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Active content

Active content definition

Active content is digital content or web elements that can execute code or perform actions within a webpage or an application. Unlike static content, which is typically static text, images, or multimedia files, active content is interactive and can dynamically change based on user interactions. It’s usually associated with scripting languages like JavaScript, which allows developers to add dynamic behavior to web pages.

However, the term “active content” can also be used more broadly when talking about any type of content that engages users or involves user interaction. For example: interactive multimedia presentations, online games, embedded videos, or any content that provides a more immersive and engaging experience.

Active content technology examples

  • JavaScript allows developers to add interactivity and dynamic behavior to web page like form validation, dynamic content updates, image sliders, and interactive menus.
  • Java Applets are small programs embedded within web pages. They provide interactive features like interactive maps, calculators, and games.
  • Flash technology allowed complex animations, games, and interactive applications. However, support for Flash has been phased out in modern web browsers.
  • ActiveX Controls are interactive components that can be embedded in web pages for additional functionality.

Active content examples

  • Interactive Forms: Active content is commonly used in web forms to provide real-time validation, auto-complete suggestions, and interactive form elements like dropdown menus and date pickers.
  • Embedded Videos: Active content can also include embedded videos from platforms like YouTube, Vimeo, or other video hosting services. These videos can be played, paused, and controlled directly within the web page.
  • Social Media Widgets: These allow users to share content, follow social media profiles, or engage with social media platforms directly from the website.
  • Dynamic Content Updates: Active content can be used to update content on a web page dynamically. For example, news websites often use active content to display real-time news updates without requiring the user to refresh the page.