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Saily review: Introducing a fast-growing eSIM service

With eSIM apps starting to infiltrate the telecommunication industry, Nord Security’s latest app, Saily, is quickly establishing a solid presence among its competitors. Is Saily truly the best option for cheap and reliable data plans? In this review, we evaluate its benefits, disadvantages, and user feedback and offer a useful guide on how to enable Saily’s eSIMs on your mobile device.

Saily review: Introducing a fast-growing eSIM service

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What is Saily?

Saily is the latest initiative from NordVPN, and it’s an eSIM service app that provides mobile data packages to at least 150 countries worldwide. The app uses a phone’s eSIM (also known as embedded SIM) function to allow users access to travel data plans without needing to look for a physical SIM or other travel data options from their provider. Such an improvement offers substantial benefits for avid travelers that often use the internet when abroad and want to save money on roaming charges, avoid unsafe public Wi-Fi hotspots, or manage their travel data more efficiently.

Saily eSIM review

Saily offers a reliable service that comes with versatile and wallet-friendly data package options. Here’s a quick overview of Saily’s key features:

At least 4 different data plans, ranging from 1GB/7 days to 20GB/30 days
Starts at $1.99/week for the cheapest data plan (1 GB/7 days)
Seamlessly integrates with mobile networks using a device’s eSIM function
Any phone with eSIM support
24/7 live chat via the app
Payment method
Credit or debit card, Google Pay, Apple Pay, and PayPal

Saily pros and cons

Of course, no app is perfect. Even with all its attractive features (such as flexible data plans and access to more than 150 countries) Saily still has room to improve. Here are the main pros and cons of the Saily eSIM app:

Cheap eSIM plansNo unlimited data packages
Created by the company behind NordVPN – Nord SecurityNo live chat available on the website
Works well on both major mobile OS (iOS and Android)Only four payment methods available
Compatible with any phone that supports eSIMsFor some countries, users can access only 3 or 4 different data plans instead of 5
24/7 customer support
Top-ups (removes the need to install an eSIM for every new data plan)
Soon available in languages such as German, French, Spanish, Italian, and Japanese with more to come
Regional and global data plans (will be available with the upcoming updates)
Supports all major payment options (Apple pay, Google Pay, PayPal, and credit/debit cards)

Saily features

According to Saily iOS developer Arnas Valiauga, “The app seamlessly integrates with mobile networks worldwide, utilizing a virtual SIM card to establish connections swiftly and securely, ensuring users stay connected wherever they go.” In addition to these features, Saily offers extra benefits to enable you to enjoy safer and cheaper connections while traveling.

Among Saily app’s features you will find diverse data plans, access to more than 150 countries worldwide, and multi-operator network support. Below we present detailed explanations of Saily’s prominent features.


Saily offers at least three different data plans that you can choose according to your preference (most countries offer four data plans, and some – even a fifth data plan with 20GB/30 days). You can buy your data plan instantly via the web or mobile app by choosing the one you want and clicking the “Buy plan” button.

saily plans


The prices of Saily’s data plans vary according to the country that you’re planning to visit. It can go from as low as $1.99/week (1GB/7 days plan) to as high as $40/month (20GB/30 days plan). If you don’t manage to activate your data plan, you will be eligible for a refund.

saily price


Saily is available in 150 countries worldwide. You can find a list of these countries on the Saily website under the section “Destinations.”

saily countries
Number of countries where Saily’s available
The Americas34 (including the USA, Brazil, Canada, Mexico)
Europe45 (including the UK, Germany, Ukraine)
Asia Pacific30 (including Japan, Australia, Thailand)
Middle East and North Africa42 (including Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Morocco)


Saily is available on all eSIM-compatible phones. You can also find the list of compatible devices on the Saily website’s “What is an eSIM” page, under the section “How to set up an eSIM.”

saily compatability


Saily offers 24/7 in-app support that will help you with any question regarding the use of the app and its services. While for now, the feature is accessible only via the app, in the upcoming weeks, desktop users should be able to access support via their computers as well.

saily support

For now, desktop users can submit their questions to the Saily help center, where customer support will review their queries and provide support.

saily help center 1saily help center 2

Payment method

Currently, Saily provides four payment options: credit/debit card, Google Pay (or Apple Pay, if you’re an iOS user), and PayPal. You can use any of these payment methods to instantly purchase your preferred data plans via the app or online.

saily payment methods


According to its developers, Saily uses advanced technology to ensure rapid connections to data service providers worldwide. This ensures swift connections and seamless integrations within mobile networks, allowing Saily users to access the internet without holdup.

A guide to start using the Saily application

You can set up and start using your Saily app in a matter of minutes. Here’s how to install and begin using Saily via the mobile app.

how to use saily

Download the Saily app

You can download the Saily eSIM app on the App Store or Google Play Store. After doing so, navigate to the list of the available destinations and choose the one you’re planning to travel to (or have already arrived at).

saily destinations

Choose the destination and complete the purchase

After finding your destination, tap on it and pick the preferred data plan. Remember, some countries may only offer three or four data plans instead of five. After choosing the data plan, tap “Get plan” to proceed.

how to choose saily data plan 1how to choose saily data plan 2

Activate Saily eSIM card

The app will then ask you to install the eSIM that will allow you access to the data in the preferred destination. Installing the eSIM doesn’t start your data plan. After installing the eSIM, you will need to activate your data plan to start using the package. Both installation and activation requires an internet connection, so make sure you set up your connection before traveling abroad.