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AIOps definition

AIOps (artificial intelligence for IT operations) is applying AI tools to automate and streamline operational tasks. AI features such as natural language processing and machine learning are used to analyze big data gathered from different IT sources. The main goal is to spot and solve any problems as they occur.

See also: artificial intelligence, machine learning

AIOps process

  • Gather data. AIOps systems pull data from various sources in the computer network, including logs, metrics, and monitoring tools.
  • Organize and clean the data. The collected data is then aggregated and normalized for analysis. This step may also include data cleansing.
  • Analyze the data. The AIOps system uses AI and machine learning to analyze the data to find patterns, correlations, and unusual events.
  • Provide insight and take action. Based on the analysis, the AIOps system can automatically fix common problems, give insights, or send alerts about issues to operators.

Uses of AIOps

  • Anomaly detection. AIOps can detect unusual activity in an IT environment that may signify a problem.
  • Event correlation and analysis. AIOps looks at different events and logs to identify issues or trends, reducing the number of alerts IT teams need to deal with.
  • Performance analysis. AIOps keeps track of the system's performance and analyzes the data to find bottlenecks and suggest improvements.
  • Predictive analysis. By looking at past data, AIOps predicts potential future issues, allowing IT teams to fix them before they affect operations.
  • Automation. AIOps can automate common IT tasks and responses to certain events or issues. This makes processes more efficient and eases the load on IT staff.