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Buy NordVPN through your friend’s referral link.
Get 3 free months if you choose the 1-year or 2-year plans.
Get 1 free month if you choose the monthly plan.
Both you and your friend will receive your extra months of free subscription time immediately after the purchase.
Secure your data, passwords, and files
77% off the 2-year plan.
You've been referred. If you're eligible, we'll add up to 3 months to your order for free.
Take a look at our promotion’s terms and conditions.
Online security and privacy made simple
No need to buy VPN subscriptions separately for your phone and PC. NordVPN secures up to ten devices at the same time, being compatible with Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, iOS, and even your Wi-Fi router.
Unsure about NordVPN prices or how to buy a VPN subscription? Contact customer support 24/7. And remember — your purchase is always safe with our 30-day money-back guarantee.
Saw our NordVPN prices and decided to buy a VPN subscription? Great! That’s easy — we accept online payment services, credit cards, and even some cryptocurrencies.
3 great reasons to choose NordVPN
Fastest on the planet
7,300+ ultra-fast VPN servers around the globe. Groundbreaking NordLynx protocol. No bandwidth limits. Experience top-speed online security with NordVPN.
Safe, easy content access
It takes just a click or tap to cloak your IP, letting you view your favorite content from home with increased privacy and security.
No-logs policy
We couldn’t provide any details about your online activities to third parties, even if they asked. Why? Because we never log what you do online.
But don’t just take our word for it
Is NordVPN the best VPN service for privacy? Let’s ask our users and tech experts.
30-day money-back guarantee
Enjoy full access to the award-winning VPN completely risk free. If you are not 100% satisfied, tell us within 30 days of buying NordVPN and get a full refund.