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Home Security policy

Security policy

(also IT security policy)

Security policy definition

A security policy is the approach an organization has towards maintaining the security of its data. It includes all levels of security measures that are currently in place, from the rules employees must follow when working remotely to the detailed action plan in the event all the company’s data is stolen, encrypted, or erased. A security policy is always developed when companies are implementing new (or improving old) procedures and introducing new tools or personnel.

Security policy purpose

  • Sets boundaries and expectations. Each employee, no matter their seniority, should clearly know what the rules are, so they have clear guidance when deciding the best way to act in a certain situation.
  • Easy implementation of new tools. If a company is introducing new software, they can quickly set up employee access based on their security policy.
  • Enables quick actions. If new data privacy laws and requirements pop up, companies can implement changes in their workflow quickly by changing their security policy.
  • Improved efficiency. If you know that junior and middle-level finance analysts don’t have access to data you need, you will send your inquiry straight to the senior analyst or the head of the department, thus saving everyone’s time.