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What is the metaverse? A comprehensive guide

The metaverse is a hypothetical continuation of the internet that allows people to meet, share ideas, create, work, and explore the web in a virtual environment. While many people find the premise of this technology fascinating and inspiring, the reality of it for now remains debatable. What is the metaverse? And why should you know more about it? That’s what this comprehensive guide is about.

What is the metaverse? A comprehensive guide

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

What is the metaverse?

The metaverse is a futuristic concept of the internet where instead of computers, people use virtual environments to browse the web. In the metaverse, users will supposedly be able to access any website or service using virtual reality (VR) tools. In simple terms, you can imagine the metaverse as a computer-simulated reality where you can express ideas, meet people (or, more accurately, their avatars) from all over the world, and work, create, play, or access information. The ultimate goal of the metaverse is to push the internet technology beyond its current capabilities, allowing users to connect, browse, and socially engage with more interactivity than ever before.

While the metaverse is still a concept that’s under development, the promises regarding this technology are ambitious. For example, tech companies, such as Meta (formerly known as Facebook) are extensively researching and developing the metaverse, claiming that it will be “your world in which anything is possible.” This promise seems to be bearing fruit already because artists, content creators, environmentalists, and even medics are already beginning to use some of the metaverse tools to simplify their everyday tasks.

Since the metaverse aims to add more interactivity to our everyday browsing, it’s no wonder that its basic concepts include virtual meeting rooms, social hubs, and even community gardens — all in one space. On paper, it works as a virtual environment that can adapt to your needs, whether that’s attending work-related meetings or a movie session with your friends. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. A great example of a fully realized metaverse is the “A Bicyclops Built for Two” episode of the famous TV show Futurama. The internet interface characters use during the episode is similar to the concepts metaverse creators are working on now.

According to its proponents, along with the already mentioned benefits, the metaverse aims to provide a new toolset and connect people more closely than ever before. However, even with this optimistic vision in mind, metaverse skeptics point out eerie hypothetical dystopian scenarios of people voluntarily sealing themselves away from the outside world by inhabiting the metaverse 24/7. Some also speculate about the privacy, data security, and even cyberbullying issues that may arise from this technology.

The existence of a new virtual space will likely lead to new types of cybercrime. However, since no one knows how the metaverse will evolve, it’s hard to predict whether and how these concerns will become a reality. One thing is clear, though. While the world debates over the pros and cons of this technology, it’s undeniable that its key tools — AR and VR — have already assisted medics, teachers, and artists in significant and exciting ways.

AR and VR

Augmented and virtual reality are the main fabric upon which the metaverse is built. Without AR and VR, the metaverse is nothing more than the internet we surf using our phones, computers, or tablets.

What is augmented reality (AR)?

Augmented reality (AR) is a technology that enhances the real-world environment by adding interactive virtual elements. AR overlays content such as images or sounds onto reality in real time, allowing users to interact with these elements while performing tasks, such as construction projects (visual overlays of blueprints) or medical analysis (visualizing MRI & CT scans).

One of the best examples of AR is photo filters that allow users to create engaging and fun content. While the camera detects the face, AR recognizes facial features and then projects virtual imaging to change the person’s appearance, resulting in fun pictures and videos. Another great example is IKEA’s AR tool, which allows users to virtually place furniture in their homes to see how it fits and looks before purchasing.

Regarding even more practical benefits, AR technology provides a visual aid for educational and medicinal purposes. Teachers can use AR technology to enrich the learning experience with 3D modeling and visual enhancements. Meanwhile, medics can use AR imaging to better visualize complex anatomical structures while performing procedures.

While AR is less vital to the metaverse than VR, it’s still an important stepping stone for metaverse development.

What is virtual reality (VR)?

Virtual reality is a technology that immerses users into fully digital spaces. While AR provides visual elements that enhance the real-life experience, VR creates a digital environment to “transport” users from the real world to the virtual space.

To achieve its goal, VR relies on devices such as VR headsets, capable of simulating various environments (from cartoon interfaces to real-life images) that create an impression of being elsewhere. VR technology may also include tools that strengthen the immersiveness of devices, including sound systems, motion-tracking treadmills, or even gadgets that support force feedback (for example, steering wheels for sim-racing games). VR games and 4D cinema are perfect examples of successful VR applications, but VR can also be used for education (virtual classrooms), training (flight simulators), or even virtual tourism.

Regarding the metaverse, VR is the core element of this technology. Because the principle of the metaverse focuses on social interaction in virtual environments, capable VR technology is crucial for providing the experience. That’s why tech companies are heavily investing in VR headsets that can create environments suitable for the metaverse’s needs. While current applications of VR are mostly entertainment oriented, future development may focus on stable workplace stations (for example, VR meeting rooms) or even interactive retail services.

Metaverse technologies and technological advances

The metaverse creates responsive virtual environments by combining VR, AR, 3D modeling, blockchain, and the Internet of Things (IoT). Each provides sensory aid or a means to perform specific tasks in a simulated environment.

Currently, IT companies work on providing lighter headsets and more convenient displays than the current VR glasses. The eyewear that supports AR is also in development, with Ray Ban Wayfarer smart glasses being among the first products of such caliber. With all these new improvements, the trends are shifting towards exploring the capabilities of artificial intelligence and using 5G connections to reduce latency and improve performance.

All these developments may lead to a future where users can access the metaverse without bulky headgear, connect to it with multiple devices, and explore it seamlessly. Metaverse proponents expect improvements that would involve more interactive virtual shopping experience (for example, trying clothes virtually, before buying) and education (for example, exploring museums in a fully digital environment).

How does the metaverse work?

To understand how the metaverse works (or will work in the future) we can use the analogy of a library. A typical library is just like the internet — it hosts thousands of books (or in the internet’s case — millions of websites) which differ in their length, genre, and content. Anyone with access can come and browse these books for research or entertainment purposes, making it an interactive experience. But in the metaverse’s library, instead of flipping through the pages, readers could physically step into the book (with the help of technology such as VR, AR, and 3D modeling), significantly boosting the interactivity and immersiveness of browsing experience.

Or in other words, the metaverse provides a new way of browsing, bringing people to the internet instead of bringing the internet to people.

Metaverse examples and use cases

The metaverse has many use cases, from entertainment to work and beyond. While some are still theoretical, users can already experience many others.

  • Business and work. The Covid-19 pandemic has made remote work and Zoom meetings normal in many workplaces, and many employees were already dependent on the internet for their employment. Meetings in an immersive VR space, where teams meet using digital avatars and feel the same sense of connection that they would in a physical conference room, are already slowly becoming a reality. Supporters of the metaverse concept see this as a way for people to enjoy the benefits of remote work without losing the best parts of the office experience.
  • Entertainment. Most current VR devices already provide immersive entertainment experiences, such as musical concerts or multiplayer gaming. The online battle royale franchise Fortnite has staged several large musical events, allowing gamers to attend shows within a virtual world. A selling point for metaverse entertainment is the removal of geography as a barrier – you can have an experience similar to one you’d have at live concerts and sporting events without being physically present.
  • Education. Due to its foundation in VR and AR systems, the metaverse could be a powerful tool for education and training. Students can be present for lessons in virtual reality environments even if they cannot physically attend their university or college campus. In addition, metaverse classrooms could be used to visualize and explain more complex study topics, for example by using virtual 3D models to present the movement of electric particles or to visualize the structure of human cells.
  • Socializing and leisure. In theory, a VR-based internet could make developing social connections in digital spaces more effective. If you were away from home and missing your friends, you could slip on a VR headset and meet with them in the virtual worlds of the metaverse. Whether you’re taking part in the entertainment events we’ve previously discussed, playing games, or just hanging out, social interaction in the metaverse could be a more authentic and convincing experience than online chats or video calls.

How to access the metaverse

According to metaverse developers, you will be able to join the metaverse through any device with an internet connection and VR headset. However, while companies such as Google and Meta are heavily investing in this technology, a fully functioning metaverse is still under development. You can use a game console or a computer to check out the latest Nike products on Roblox’s Nikeland. You can hang out with friends on Meta’s Horizon Worlds platform with a VR headset. Many metaverse experiences are available, but they exist separately from each other on different platforms, available through myriad unintegrated devices.

So until the metaverse is truly complete, users can only access its different components through means such as VR headsets, computers, smartphones, smart TVs, and consoles. Access to these components usually requires specific apps or device settings that allow VR, AR, and other metaverse features.

What are the technological features of the metaverse?

Overall, the technological features of the metaverse include those we’ve mentioned, such as VR and AR as well as technologies such as blockchain, IoT, and 3D modeling. Each of these features provides a distinct benefit to support the metaverse.


Simply put, the blockchain is a decentralized database that allows users to securely own, trade, and sell digital assets. Through cryptocurrencies and non-fungible tokens (NFTs), users can buy virtual land, art, and in-game items uniquely recorded on the blockchain.

The blockchain works as a digital ledger that contains linked blocks of transaction data that cannot be altered or deleted. Every user has a copy of this ledger, meaning that no one is in full control of the blockchain. In addition, each block has encryption greatly increasing the safety of the whole system. Because of these features, using blockchain provides more transparency, security, and freedom for its users.

For example, platforms like Decentraland and The Sandbox enable users to purchase virtual real estate as NFTs, which can then be developed, sold, or rented. If a user wants to rent or sell their property, they must create a new transaction (or a new block). However, before completing this process the participants in the blockchain network must agree that the offer is valid, maintaining the legitimacy of transactions and significantly reducing the chance of fraud.

Unfortunately, while these benefits make blockchain an attractive addition to metaverse development, it’s not likely to be widely adopted. NFT security is vulnerable to external factors such as phishing scams. In addition, whatever form the metaverse eventually takes, it will probably be owned and facilitated by tech giants like Meta — companies that would much rather you store your information on their databases instead of the blockchain.

The Internet of Things

The Internet of Things is the ecosystem of our connected smart devices. Hardware like kitchen appliances, entertainment consoles, and home security systems can all be connected across wireless networks, forming the IoT. Since some envision the metaverse as an integration of the digital space and the physical world, IoT (much like AR) might play a role in meshing the physical and the virtual.

One obvious application for the IoT is making metaverse users safer in their physical environments. While participating in an immersive metaverse experience, a person wearing a VR headset is unlikely to be aware of their surroundings. IoT-enabled devices like monitoring devices, security systems, and even thermostats could send messages into the metaverse and alert users to issues they need to be aware of in the real world (for example, when a pet or child unexpectedly enters the room or when someone’s trying to break into the house).

3D modeling

Systems that model a user’s 3D environment could play a major role in the metaverse experience. Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Meta, has described the company’s plans to build technology that scans and maps the space around a metaverse user, potentially involving a network of cameras in their home.

In theory, 3D modeling could give users a more physical experience in the virtual world. If you wanted to engage in an activity like fencing or dancing while spending time in digital spaces, your headset could incorporate elements of your physical environment, like walls or furniture, into the virtual space. That could enhance the experience while in VR and help maintain the sense of your physical surroundings while in the virtual world.

What is the importance of the metaverse?

The metaverse is significant in technological, societal, and even philosophical ways. As a technological advancement, the metaverse shows potential to bridge the gap between the physical and virtual worlds while also advancing technologies such as AR, VR, and 3D modeling.

As a societal phenomena, the metaverse may be a stepping stone that will change online communication and collaboration. Customizable avatars, meetings in virtual rooms, and new visual capabilities (from real-life imagery to 3D modeling) can make the internet more user-friendly for people with disabilities, open up new ways to trade, travel, and work on projects, or even provide more interactive learning opportunities for students who are on the other side of the globe.

From a philosophical perspective, the metaverse may have a strong impact on how we understand the reality itself. Could the metaverse be the first step in our version of “The Matrix”? Or perhaps we’re already living in one, and the metaverse would help us find the actual proof of it? While these questions are enticing and exhausting at the same time, there’s no denying that the development of the metaverse evokes various existential discussions.

Finally, the impact of the metaverse forces the question about our mental health. While metaverse proponents look forward to exploring its opportunities, opponents are concerned about its effect on our mental well-being and perception of reality. According to the Center for Humane Technology, online technology addiction has already caused problems, such as shortened attention spans and increased anxiety. Knowing that, you can’t help but wonder whether the metaverse could potentially lead to even more problems. However, until this technology is perfected, all fears and hopes remain speculative.

The metaverse’s importance for companies and businesses

The metaverse’s impact on companies and businesses may be huge. New e-commerce opportunities may mean that companies are able to reach customers more easily by posting ads in virtual public metaverse hubs or even by creating company avatars to engage with audiences directly.

Additionally, like any major technological advancement, implementing the metaverse may enable businesses to optimize processes, provide more thorough employee training, and offer new ways for project collaboration. If the metaverse succeeds, its impact may be as (if not more) significant than AI technology.

How can businesses and business leaders prepare for the metaverse?

As with any other technology, businesses should keep a close eye on the metaverse and its current development. Starting to integrate metaverse features (such as AR and VR) into the company’s workflow can also be a step in that direction. While most businesses already use IoT and 3D modeling, they will have to make a choice whether to take a risk and invest in AR and VR technologies early or dedicate their resources elsewhere.

Companies involved in the metaverse

Companies like Meta, Microsoft, and Google have heavily invested in the development of the metaverse. However, they’re not the only ones to have done so. Businesses heavily involved in graphic and 3D modeling, or even the gaming industry, are also working on VR technology and contributing to the metaverse’s advancement. Giants like Nvidia, Unity, Epic Games, and even Roblox are among these companies.

Apple and Meta remain the fiercest competitors with the Apple Vision Pro and Meta Quest 3 VR headsets. Meanwhile, the CEO of Epic Games has announced his ambitions to help build a new persistent 3D world with the help of $1.5 billion in investment from Disney. Still, even with huge investments, companies have lots of work ahead. Further optimizing the hardware, providing stable software, and addressing potential privacy risks are just a few of the hurdles that metaverse engineers have yet to figure out.

Metaverse risks and privacy concerns

While the metaverse may sound like an exciting vision for the future of the internet to many people, some risks still need to be addressed.

Metaverse risks

  • The metaverse introduces a whole new platform that may have vulnerabilities cybersecurity experts have yet to discover. This new immersive platform can allow hackers and scammers to intercept sensitive data and expose its users. For example, bad actors could develop new types of data breaches by hacking users’ avatars or creating copies, allowing them to extract sensitive data and perform identity thefts.
  • As a successor to the internet, the metaverse is likely to reflect the same problems of the current internet. These include cyberbullying, the spread of misinformation, and virtual harassment.

Metaverse privacy concerns

  • Some companies working on metaverse technology may consider introducing more ways to collect personal data, which could lead to them gaining even more power over our daily lives. Future metaverse marketers could gain even more insight on us by tracking user eye and body movements through VR to read the behavioral pattern and use it to manipulate purchasing decisions, alter online content, or create personalized ads. When you consider what Facebook already knows about you, giving away more information doesn’t sound appealing. Additionally, metaverse’s behavioral tracking capabilities could also become an opportunity for malicious actors. They could exploit and influence users into engaging with certain content, or even alter their social and political views.
  • Since a fully realized metaverse doesn’t exist yet, the governments are yet to draft or pass the laws that regulate metaverse’s privacy restrictions. That could pose potential risks for users and their data safety. Without proper protection, safeguarding your data in the metaverse may not be as easy as stopping Facebook from sharing your info.

While the metaverse has the potential to provide us with new opportunities, such as more efficient remote work and a means for closer collaboration, that future is possible only with relevant regulations and responsible treatment of user privacy by companies.

Is the metaverse on the rise?

Just a few years ago, it seemed like the metaverse was a failed project. However, the surge in generative AI and deep learning technology has breathed new life into this venture, and today, development of the metaverse is going strong. With rumors of Google collaboration with HTC on metaverse technology development and Epic Games’ goal to provide the metaverse for its Unreal 6 games engine, fans of the metaverse can look forward to exciting new experiences.

Meta’s launch of the new Orion prototype VR glasses and a more affordable version of the Meta Quest 3 VR headset in September 2024 further suggests heavy investments into metaverse technology. Mark Zuckerberg sees these developments as part of an exciting future, and takes pride in current achievements: “The right way to look at Orion is as a time machine. These glasses exist, they are awesome and they are a glimpse of a future that I think is going to be pretty exciting.”

The future of the metaverse

The future of the metaverse depends on numerous factors, including its accessibility, convenience, and technical capabilities. If the metaverse offers attractive and user-friendly interfaces and a wide range of options for work, socializing, and commerce, it may be a huge success. If not, its potential may never be fully realized.

The metaverse will undoubtedly have a role to play in the evolution of the internet, media consumption, and social networking.

However, one huge hurdle for the metaverse is interoperability. Companies like Meta, Amazon, and Apple are each likely to create their own headsets and VR spaces, forming multiple competing metaverses. Some applications may be available across multiple rival platforms, but like operating systems, clear borders will be drawn between each silo. As a result, the concept of one giant VR network may never come to fruition.

Another issue is public trust in the metaverse’s security and privacy. A NordVPN metaverse survey showed that 50% of US respondents were worried about identity theft in the metaverse, while 45% expressed concerns about data protection. These doubts will have to be put to rest to achieve the kind of mass adoption that metaverse supporters foresee.

would you join metaverse

Finally, despite the increasing investments, metaverse technology also faces harsh criticism. Veteran game designer Raph Koster emphasizes that “Virtual worlds are panopticons. The more we digitize the world, that’s the power we’re handing over to whoever runs that metaverse.” Additionally, Apple’s CEO Tim Cook has expressed his doubts about the metaverse, stating, “I’m really not sure the average person can tell you what the metaverse is,” suggesting that users may not understand or may not be interested in this technology.

Of course, these statements (along with the statements of metaverse’s proponents) are mostly speculation. VR and AR tech are developing rapidly, and elements of the metaverse are already here, especially in entertainment and gaming. How far the movement goes and what effect it has on internet users’ privacy remains to be seen.