Assurance report: Key takeaways
At the end of 2023, we commissioned a market-leading Big Four firm, Deloitte Audit Lithuania, to audit our no-logs claim. For the second year in a row, Deloitte Lithuania’s practitioners carried out an independent assurance procedure on the configuration of our IT systems and supporting infrastructure. They once again verified our no-logs statement and presented their findings in an official report.
Here are the key facts about the audit:
- A thorough assessment. To complete the assurance procedure, practitioners interviewed our employees and examined our server infrastructure, server configuration, and technical logs. They reviewed privacy relevant configuration settings and procedures on our Obfuscated, Double VPN, Standard VPN, Onion Over VPN (TOR), and P2P servers.
- A point-in-time review. Deloitte’s practitioners had access to our services from November 30 until December 7, 2023, and assessed what they saw. They published an official assurance report on December 13 on our no-logs policy. The audit was conducted in accordance with the International Standard on Assurance Engagements 3000 (Revised) applicable to Assurance Engagements Other Than Audits or Reviews of Historical Financial Information [ISAE 3000 (Revised]) and established by the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (“IAASB”).
- The results. For the full results, we invite you to read the report for yourself. Due to the extensive nature of the audit, excerpts from the report cannot be shared directly. This measure ensures the audit results are not taken out of context or misunderstood. To access the report, you should log in to your NordVPN account.
Why do we have these audits?
These independent audits assure our customers they’re getting what they’ve been promised — a VPN service that doesn’t track or log their browsing traffic. If you’re looking for a reliable VPN service, you need to know you can trust the provider.
At NordVPN, we take privacy very seriously and promise to never monitor or record our users’ online traffic.
Why use NordVPN?
Aside from its no-logs policy, NordVPN offers robust security and one of the fastest VPN connection speeds in the industry. Once you connect to a NordVPN server, all communication between your device and the VPN server is encrypted, shielding your traffic from hackers and snoopers.
NordVPN is easy to use — you can connect to a VPN server with a tap of a button. Want to connect to a server in a specific country? Go through the list of countries and tap on the one you prefer to be instantly connected to the fastest server there. Same goes for our specialty servers.
With NordVPN, you can also increase your online security with extra features like Threat Protection Pro. This built-in tool blocks malicious websites, stops web trackers and annoying ads, and even scans the files you download for malware. You can purchase it separately to enjoy a safer internet experience with NordVPN.
La sécurité en ligne commence par un simple clic.
Restez en sécurité avec le chef de file mondial en matière de VPN