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Home Third-party cookie

Third-party cookie

(also tracking cookie)

Third-party cookie definition

Third-party cookies allow third parties to track and collect information about users’ browsing history that help advertisers create a more personalized user experience. However, these are much riskier than first-party cookies because they share data with third-party websites, which increases the risks of hacker attacks. Cybercriminals can utilize third-party cookies to track and steal users’ data, like usernames, passwords, and card details, without their notice. Moreover, hackers can quickly implement malicious codes and malware software into websites and access users’ devices.

See also: IP address blocking, malicious code

Prevent third-party cookies risks

  • Install anti-malware software. Anti-malware software protects your device from malware, cyber threats, and hazardous third-party cookies.
  • Disable third-party cookies. Go into your browser settings and disable the third-party cookies. This will limit third parties from accessing and tracking your online activity.
  • Regularly clear your cookies and browsing history. By removing any data that third-party cookies store, hackers will have a harder time accessing and benefitting from your browsing behaviors.
  • Don’t click on any links. Hackers usually send links from unauthorized sources that contain third-party malware cookies that will give them full access to your data.
  • Utilize ad blockers. Ad blockers will significantly decrease the risk of malicious third-party cookies because they block the easiest entry for hackers into your device.