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Home Storage management

Storage management

Storage management definition

Storage management is the process and technology for managing the storage of data. It ensures efficient, safe, and cost-effective data storage. It is becoming increasingly essential with the surge of data organizations must handle.

See also: data center storage, shared storage

Storage management examples:

Allocation: Ensuring that various applications and processes have enough storage.

Hierarchy: Using different types of storage media to balance cost and performance.

Virtualization: Combining physical storage from multiple network storage devices into one.

Redundancy: Having backup storage in case one gets lost or damaged.

Backup and Recovery: Backing up data. It is to recover from data loss and ensure efficient and effective processes.

Data Replication and Synchronization: Keeping copies of data in multiple locations and synching them.

Data Lifecycle Management: Managing data from its creation to its eventual deletion.

Data Deduplication: Removing duplicate copies of repeating data to save storage space.

Performance Monitoring: Ensuring storage systems are running optimally and making adjustments as necessary.

Security and Encryption: Protecting data from unauthorized access or breaches.

Compression: Reducing the size of data to save storage space.