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Início Protocol Buffer

Protocol Buffer

(also protobuf)

Protocol Buffer definition

Protocol Buffers, or protobufs, are a method of turning complex data into a simple format that can easily be saved or sent over the internet. Protobufs help make data transfers between programs and systems faster and easier. Protocol Buffers were developed by Google and are widely used in various applications — from saving game progress to syncing messages in apps. 

See also: Google dorking

History of Protocol Buffers 

Protocol Buffers were introduced in 2008 as a flexible and efficient way to handle data. Before this, XML (Extensible Markup Language) was commonly used, but it was bulky and slow because of its wordy text format. Protocol Buffers are smaller and faster since they use a compact binary format, making data transfer quicker and more efficient. They also make it easier to update data without breaking existing systems.

How Protocol Buffers work 

  1. 1.A developer writes a .proto file to describe the structure of the data, using simple syntax to define fields and their types.
  2. 2.This .proto file is processed to create code in different programming languages. The code can create, serialize, and deserialize the data structures.
  3. 3.When an app needs to send data, it converts the data into a compact binary format, making it smaller and faster to send.
  4. 4.The small, binary data is sent over the network or saved to a file, making transfer quick and efficient.
  5. 5.The receiving app converts the binary data back into its original form, making it ready to use.