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Início Network access control

Network access control

(also network admission control, NAC)

Network access control definition

NAC (network access control) is a method of securing a private network by restricting access of unauthorized users and devices. Implementing NAC policies ensures that only authenticated users and devices compatible with the network's security policies can access the network and vulnerable data.

There are many methods for implementing network access control. Popular ones include using multi-factor or biometric authentication to authorize users and devices.

Network access control applications

  • Remote work. Employees working remotely and using their own devices can be authorized and connect to corporate networks.
  • BYOD (bring your own device). Employees can bring their own devices to work and authorize them to access work-related data.
  • Temporary network access. NAC policies can include temporary network access for non-employees. Contractors and partners can use the network without going through complex authentication processes.

Network access control advantages

  • Improved network visibility – NAC enables the network administrator to see who enters and uses it.
  • Improved security – NAC limits unauthorized access to the network, enhancing protection against data theft.
  • Improved guest management – temporary network access can be limited, so the guests can only access the data they need at a given moment.