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Hyperlink definition

Hyperlink is a digital reference to data that a user can explore or be directed to by clicking or tapping on a reference. A hyperlink may point to the entirety of a document or to a particular component included inside a document. Text that contains hyperlinks is called hypertext. Without hyperlinks, online pages would not be able to connect to one another; therefore, users would be required to memorize the URL (Uniform Resource Locator) of each and every website available on the Internet.

Types of hyperlinks:

  • Inline hyperlinks. Without having to embed the information, an inline link will show you something from another site. The user is not required to click the link in order to access the remote content. A user might get a low-resolution preview, cropped part, or magnified version of an image when clicking on an inline link to that image.
  • Anchor hyperlinks. They are in-document links that are fixed to certain snippets of text. Typically, the fragment is a subheading or a little section of a text.
  • Text hyperlinks. A word or phrase can become a clickable hyperlink when an embedded hypertext reference is placed within it.
  • Image hyperlinks. When a hyperlink is added to an image, the user can click the picture.
  • Bookmark hyperlinks. A hypertext link can be either text or an image, and it will send the user to a different section of the website.
  • E-mail hyperlinks. Visitors can click the e-mail address that has a hyperlink integrated into it to instantly send an e-mail to that address.
  • Fat hyperlinks. A fat link (also known as a one-to-many link or a multi-tailed link) is a link that can take you to a variety of locations online.

Benefits of hyperlinks:

  • Credibility. As a modern footnote, a hyperlink enables you to name a source, cite a reference, or refer to another publication in your content.
  • Increase page views. Keep viewers on your site by linking to other articles. The “Related articles“ comments at the foot of each article lead to another page on the site. Google tracks website views, so redirecting readers is wise.
  • Improve SEO. Forward links can be quite effective. Google appreciates it when you reference other reputable websites.
  • Usability. Give readers something to click on to verify your references, uncover relevant stuff, or take action.