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Início Exception handling

Exception handling

Exception handling definition

Exception handling is a critical programming concept that deals with managing errors or unexpected events that happen when a program is executed. The goal of exception handling is to deal with errors smoothly without crashing.

In programming, an “exception” is an event that disrupts the normal flow of instructions. For example, trying to divide a number by zero or attempting to open a file that doesn't exist can cause exceptions. Exception handling is the process of responding to these exceptions in a controlled way.

See also: fatal exception, fatal error, error control, error correction code, error detection and correction

How exception handling works

  1. 1.The first step is the detection of an exception. The programming language's runtime environment is usually responsible for detecting standard exceptions (like arithmetic errors, “file not found”, etc.).
  2. 2.Once an exception is detected, it is then “thrown.” It’s like sending a flare to indicate that something unusual has happened.
  3. 3.Then, exception handling comes into play. Programmers write specific blocks of code (often referred to as “try-catch” blocks) that are designed to “catch” the exception. The “try” block contains the code that might cause an exception, while the “catch” block contains code that handles the exception.
  4. 4.Once the exception is caught, the handling begins. It includes logging the error, displaying a message to the user, or attempting an alternative course of action.