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Início Error Log

Error Log

Definition of error log

An error log is a record of errors that occur within a system, application, or process. It logs information like timestamps, error messages, severity levels, details about the state of the system, and operations leading up to the error. The specific details logged and the format vary depending on the system.

See also: error detection and correction, error control, blue screen of death

Why error logs are vital:

Troubleshooting. When something goes wrong, the error log provides detailed information about what happened. This can help developers or system administrators diagnose and fix the issue.

Monitoring. Error logs provide insights into vulnerabilities that could become bigger issues in the future.

Audit & Compliance. For some applications, maintaining a comprehensive error log is a requirement. This verifies that any issues or irregularities get addressed.

Optimization. Error logs reveal recurring problems or inefficiencies. Analyzing error logs helps refine and optimize a system or software.

User Support. Error logs provide the technical details that customer support needs to help resolve the user's issue.