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Início Data-in-transit encryption

Data-in-transit encryption

(also encryption in transit, data in motion encryption)

Data-in-transit encryption definition

Data-in-transit encryption is a type of encryption that companies and individuals can use to protect their data while it is transported from sender to receiver.

When data is being transferred, it is at its most vulnerable point, so using data-in-transit encryption is essential for keeping data safe at all times. With data-in-transit encryption, users can protect both data that’s flowing over untrusted (public) networks and files flowing through a private network (like a private Wi-Fi network or corporate LAN).

Data-in-transit is much more vulnerable than static data because it is much easier to access and can be intercepted.

See also: data in motion, man-in-the-middle attack

Attacks that can be prevented with data-in-transit encryption

  • Man-in-the-middle attacks. A man-in-the-middle attack is a type of cyberattack where the attacker intercepts and inserts themselves into the communication channel that a user and client are using. It allows attackers to monitor the communication between the two parties and even impersonate one of them.
  • Ransomware attacks. A ransomware attack is a type of malware attack that encrypts a user’s files, systems, or networks, preventing the user from accessing them. The user will only regain access after paying a ransom, usually paid in Bitcoin.
  • Advanced persistent threat (APT) attacks. APT attacks are sophisticated cyberattacks where the attacker gains access to a network to steal sensitive data. The attacker remains undetected for a longer period, resulting in large amounts of data getting stolen gradually.