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Início Backup (n.)

Backup (n.)

(also back up (v.), data backup)

Backup definition

Backup is the process of creating a copy of a system’s data that a user uses for recovery in case of data loss and corruption. In addition, backup offers a recovery of files that a user accidentally deletes from their system. The .BAK file extension is used for backup files created by many apps, particularly in a Windows operating system setting.

Types of backup:

  • Full backup. Every aspect of the data that you specify is copied. Full backups are best for quick data restoration.
  • Differential backup. This transfers modified data and files since the most recent full backup. There isn't an archive attribute or record of the backup or data update.
  • Incremental backup. Full backups begin the incremental backups. Subsequent backups will only store changes from the previous backup. Businesses can cycle these backups whenever they wish, storing only the most recent changes.
  • Full system backup. This restores the operating system, apps, and data to a previous state. It creates a complete computer snapshot so the user may recreate any data changes after that point, possibly using an incremental backup.
  • Immutable backup. Write once, read many (WORM) technology prevents even storage managers from overwriting or deleting data in this backup. As ransomware and RaaS attacks rise, so do immutable backups.
  • Near-CDP backup. Continuous data protection (CDP) is a type of backup that saves a copy of all changes to the data as soon as they are made. This is the most complete and advanced way to protect data.
  • Mirror backup. Also known as a full image backup, it stores only the latest version of the source data set. Instead of compressed backup files like in other ways, all backup files are saved independently, like the source data.

Benefits of backup:

  • Keeping data from being lost on purpose or by accident
  • Stopping a hacker from giving you a virus and stealing your information
  • Preventing storage media damage
  • Restoring old data because of editing issues or corrupted files

Limitations of backup:

  • Extremely time-consuming, depending on the size of data being backed up
  • Takes a lot of storage space