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Home Static data

Static data

(also fixed data)

Static data definition

Static data refers to data that does not change frequently or remains constant over time. It acts as a reference or a guideline for other data and usually doesn’t request updates or alterations frequently. Examples of static data are product descriptions, corporate addresses, phone numbers, predefined values, or mathematical constants in programming languages. Users can quickly access the static data because the system stores it in the software memory or database. It doesn’t change, eliminating the need for repetitive database searches or other tasks requiring more time. Unfortunately, hackers often misuse static data because it typically remains constant and doesn’t request updates. Therefore, static data must receive top-notch security.

See also: low latency, static IP

Securing static data

  • Monitor it constantly. Monitoring helps organizations track user access to static data and identify unauthorized or malicious activities. It also configures warnings for unusual activity.
  • Access control. With this technique, organizations can limit access to sensitive data only to users that need it for work. In addition, the control system will immediately alert users if someone tries to access the data without authentication methods like passwords.
  • Encrypt data. Encryption algorithms like AES, RSA, or DES prevent unauthorized access from third parties.
  • Physical security. Organizations can protect static data from physical attacks by installing security cameras, locking doors, and securing servers in locked rooms.
  • Regular updates. Although static data doesn’t require periodic updates, it needs to be at least up to date with the latest security features, such as firewalls and encryption algorithms. Additionally, organizations or third parties can conduct security audits.