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TCP Wrapper

(also tcp_wrapper)

TCP Wrapper definition

TCP Wrapper is a security tool that controls access to network services based on the source of incoming connections. Think of it as a digital doorman for your computer. It checks who is knocking on the network door and decides whether to let them in or not. In other words, TCP Wrapper allows system administrators to define rules that determine whether to permit or deny connections or access.

See also: TCP handshake

Use cases of TCP Wrapper

  1. 1.Secure remote access. TCP Wrapper can control access to SSH (Secure Shell) services, ensuring only authorized IP addresses are allowed to connect.
  2. 2.Web server protection. By configuring TCP Wrapper with your web server, like Apache, you can restrict access to specific IP addresses. Thus, safeguarding your website from malicious traffic or unauthorized users.
  3. 3.Email server filtering. TCP Wrapper can be employed to filter incoming connections to email servers, preventing spam or unwanted traffic from reaching you.
  4. 4.Network service restriction. It's useful for limiting access to various network services like FTP or Telnet, allowing you to define which clients can interact with these services.
  5. 5.Intrusion detection. TCP Wrapper can serve as an early warning system. If an unauthorized attempt to access a service is made, it can trigger alerts, aiding in detecting potential intrusion attempts.