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Home Pagejacking


Pagejacking definition

Pagejacking is when someone copies a web page from another website without permission and shows it as if it's their own. Pagejackers do this for various reasons, from boosting their website’s content and diverting traffic to gaining search engine rankings. Pagejacking is generally considered unethical and may have legal consequences.

How pagejacking works

  • The pagejacker chooses a web page with content they want to copy, such as articles, images, or entire web pages.
  • They copy the text, images, and other elements from the target web page — either manually or using automated tools.
  • The copied content is hosted on the pagejacker's own website or web server, making it appear as if it belongs to them.
  • To deceive visitors, the pagejacker may manipulate the URL or domain name to mimic the original site's appearance.
  • The stolen content may get indexed by search engines, causing it to show up in search results and potentially diverting traffic.
  • The pagejacker uses the stolen content without permission, often with deceptive intent, such as gaining traffic, ad revenue, or SEO benefits.
  • Some pagejackers continue to monitor the original site for updates and may periodically update their stolen content to make it seem legitimate.

Signs of pagejacking

  • Identical or nearly identical content from your website appears on another site without your permission.
  • The copied content doesn’t provide proper attribution or credit to your website as the source.
  • You notice an unusual increase in traffic or referrals from a website you don't recognize or trust.
  • Your website's search engine ranking may drop if search engines detect duplicate content on other sites.