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Fiber to the Node

(also FTTN)

Fiber to the Node definition

Fiber to the Node is a telecommunications infrastructure in which fiber optic cables are used to provide high-speed internet access to customers. In an FTTN network, the fiber optic cables are run to a central location, often called a node, which serves a group of customers within a certain area. From the node, the signal is transmitted to the individual customer premises using traditional copper or coaxial cables.

FTTN is used by many internet service providers (ISPs) to provide broadband internet access to customers in both urban and rural areas. It is also used in conjunction with other technologies, such as digital subscriber line (DSL) and coaxial cable, to provide a range of internet service options to customers.


FTTN is often used as a cost-effective alternative to running fiber optic cables directly to each customer's premises, which is known as Fiber to the Home (FTTH). While FTTN may not provide the same level of speed and performance as FTTH, it is still capable of providing high-speed internet access and is often a more practical solution for serving large numbers of customers in a given area.