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Home Data transmission

Data transmission

Data transmission definition

Data transmission is the process of sending digital or analog data from one communication device to another. Data transmission methods include wired, wireless, or satellite communication. Transmitting data allows us to exchange information and communicate with each other in the digital age.

See also: data bus, data in motion

Data transmission types

  • Digital data transmission. This data transmission type refers to sending digital information over a communication medium from one device to another. Digital data transmission methods may include wireless, wired, or satellite communication. Examples of digital data transmission include sending an email, uploading a video to a video-sharing site, or streaming music.
  • Analog data transmission. Analog data transmission is sending analog data (such as voice or music) in a continuous signal that varies in frequency or strength. Examples of analog data transmission include television broadcasting, AM/FM radio signals, and analog phone lines.

How data transmission works (digital)

  • The data (e.g., a file or a message) is broken down into smaller packets.
  • The packets are encoded using a protocol (for example, TCP or IP) to add information like the destination address.
  • The data packets are transmitted through a physical medium (e.g., a wired or wireless connection).
  • The packets are received and checked for errors.
  • Any lost or corrupted data packets are retransmitted to make sure the full data is received correctly.
  • The packets are decoded and reassembled into the original digital data — and the recipient can now use or view the data.