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Home Cryptolocker ransomware

Cryptolocker ransomware

Cryptolocker ransomware definition

Cryptolocker ransomware is a trojan virus that targets Windows devices. Once the virus infects a computer, it searches the local storage and connected media (external hard drives, cloud storage) for files to encrypt. It then uses asymmetric encryption to lock these files and make them unavailable to users. Instead, a message is displayed, informing the user that their files are encrypted and will be destroyed unless they pay a ransom.

Cryptolocker ransomware signs

  • Don’t unarchive unknown .zip filesNumerous suspicious file executions (renaming existing files, creating new ones, etc.)Change how files are unarchived on your device, and opt for linear unpacking.
  • Increased internet traffic from the device, software connecting to suspicious websites.
  • Attempts to execute suspicious API commands.

Cryptolocker ransomware prevention

  • Regularly update your OS and security software.
  • Always be very careful about what you download.
  • Use NordVPN’s Threat Protection Pro feature to scan your downloaded files for malware.