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Home Warshipping


(also package tracking exploit)

Warshipping definition

Warshipping is a strategic method used in cyberattacks in which an assailant gains remote access to a desired wireless network by dispatching a parcel that conceals a sophisticated device. This gadget is typically equipped with a Wi-Fi-compatible microcomputer, a power source, and additional essential parts required to execute the intrusion. Once the device is in place, the assailant can link to it from afar and initiate a cyberattack against the specified network.

See also: SSL encryption, evil twin, eavesdropping, network encryption

Warshipping examples

  • Corporate espionage: Attackers use warshipping to infiltrate a corporation's Wi-Fi network to steal sensitive data or install malware.
  • Surveillance: An attacker may utilize warshipping to monitor a target's wireless activity and intercept communication.

Warshipping compared to similar terms

  • Wardriving: While warshipping involves the delivery of a package containing a hacking device to the target's vicinity, wardriving involves driving around neighborhoods to detect vulnerable Wi-Fi networks.
  • Evil twin attack: In an evil twin attack, the hacker sets up a rogue Wi-Fi network that mimics a legitimate one, whereas warshipping involves infiltrating an existing network.

Preventing warshipping

  • Regularly update and patch your Wi-Fi network hardware and software.
  • Ensure strong encryption, such as WPA3, for your Wi-Fi networks.
  • Be cautious if you receive an unusual or unexpected package.