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Home Hindenbug


(also hindenbug)

Hindenbug definition

A hindenbug is a critical software bug that can lead to a complete (and often dramatic) failure of the system. The term is derived from the famous Hindenburg disaster of 1937, when the airship of the same name exploded in mid-air while attempting to dock, killing over a third of the people on board.

Hindenbugs are particularly dangerous because they can leave the system in an unstable or corrupted state. In some cases, the system may be unrecoverable without a full restart, prompting the user to lose valuable data.

See also: secure software development lifecycle, bug fix, software bug, Blue Screen of Death, heisenbug, schrödinbug

Hindenbug incidence

Hindenbugs are associated with low-level issues such as buffer overflows or race conditions. They may not manifest until the system reaches a certain state, making them difficult to catch during regular testing. For instance, a hindenbug might be triggered by a timing issue, where a race condition leads to corrupted memory and causes a cascade of failures.

Detecting and resolving hindenbugs

Hindenbugs are hard to diagnose due to their nature — when they occur, the system may crash so severely that traditional debugging tools provide little useful information. The developers are frequently forced to contend with incomplete logs and core dumps to understand what led to the failure. Trying to replicate a hindenbug may simply lead to another system crash with little observable data.

To resolve hindenbugs, developers need to exhaustively test conditions under which the bug might arise. In some cases, they need to review the system’s design, especially where it concerns concurrency, resource management, or error handling.