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Home Code bloat

Code bloat

Code bloat definition

Code bloat is when programmers add too much code in the app development stage, which may make it slower and less efficient. Code bloat can happen for various reasons — from reusing it without the right adjustments to introducing too many new features. As a result, the software becomes more complex than it needs to be, and may not work as efficiently.

See also: code generator

What causes code bloat?

  • Adding new features to the software without thinking about their impact on code size and complexity.
  • Reusing code blocks by copying and pasting without making the needed adjustments.
  • Attempting to make code overly generic or flexible.
  • Using unsuitable algorithms or data structures.
  • Failing to remove or comment out code that is no longer in use.
  • Inadequate design and architecture planning.
  • Not optimizing the performance or ignoring bottlenecks.
  • Not removing legacy code that’s no longer relevant or efficient.

Impact of code bloat

  • Slower performance: Bloated code can slow down the software and lead to longer load times, delays, and generally poor performance.
  • Using more resources: Code bloat often consumes more memory, CPU, and storage resources than necessary.
  • Difficult maintenance: Bloated code is harder to maintain, debug, and improve.
  • Complexity: Code bloat makes the codebase more complex, making it challenging for new developers to understand and work with.
  • Higher costs: Bloated code may take up more time to develop and test, increasing project costs.