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Black Hat Spring Trainings 2025

Date: March 25-28, 2025

Location: Washington, D.C., USA

Black Hat Trainings are a subset of Black Hat security conferences offering practical and certifiable courses for cybersecurity professionals. The 2025 Black Hat security training event will take place on March 25-28 in Washington, DC (USA).

2025 Black Hat Trainings will offer practitioners sessions on topics such mobile application hacking, infrastructure hacking, Wi-Fi hacking, machine learning in cybersecurity, and practical malware analysis. Many of the courses offered at Black Hat Trainings are unavailable anywhere else in the world.

Cybersecurity Events calendar

History of the Black Hat conferences

Black Hat was founded in 1997 by Jeff Moss, the man who is also responsible for the DEF CON hacker conventions. In fact, the first Black Hat event was held right before the fifth annual DEF CON, offering the fledgling cybersecurity industry an in-depth look into the minds of hackers. Black Hat distinguished itself from other cybersecurity conferences by allowing attendees to work with renowned hackers on pertinent security issues.
Today, Black Hat and its sister conference DEF CON are the two premier events of the cybersecurity world. Black Hat events are typically held twice a year, with one conference in Las Vegas, USA, and another in London,UK. They attract thousands of participants, from professionals seeking to raise their qualifications to cutting-edge hackers interested in the latest security developments.

Accredited courses

The high demand for Black Hat Trainings is fueled by the fact that the courses offered at this Black Hat event can earn the participant continuing professional education (CPE) credits and official certification required for certain roles in the cybersecurity industry. All courses are led by expert instructors that have been vetted by the Black Hat review board.

Playful pranks, deadly games

The hackers invited to Black Hat have frequently caused controversy with their antics and disclosures at the event. The guests have previously hijacked wireless connections, hacked hotel billing systems, and caused data leaks. In the 2005 Black Hat conference, Cisco Systems attempted to prevent Michael Lynn from revealing a dangerous vulnerability to the public.