Into the fire
You get a phone call in the middle of the night: your website is broken. You kiss goodbye to a good night’s sleep and open up the app in your browser. Everything seems to be working fine: there are no visual glitches, the assets are loaded — and yet, the complaints from users are still coming in.
First and foremost, you need to check whether all the services are up and running. You start your investigation as a diligent IT detective.
MySQL seems to be working, as is RabbitMQ. Then you see it: Redis appears to be down for one of the server nodes. You restart Redis and expect everything to go back to normal.
Unfortunately, the problem still persists.
Debugging the problem. . . Again.
You check meticulously whether all the services are available. A sudden realization occurs — there could be a problem with the code!
After digging through the logs, it seems that the last deployment broke the code that connects to RabbitMQ.
So you decide to do what any sane person would do: rollback to a previous version. However, unbeknownst to you, there’s a little issue with the previous release.
Surprise! The previous release is completely broken
You’ve just deployed a completely broken app to production. Your customers are unhappy, your managers are furious, and you’re frustrated and exhausted.
You rollback the app by one more release and finally “fix” the issue. In some alternate universe things could’ve gone differently.
Meanwhile in an alternate universe
You get woken up by a phone call. You visit the /status page of your website —
You first reload the Redis server and check the status page again:
Then, you take a look at the RabbitMQ server — it is definitely online. It looks like those pesky developers broke the code! Well, no worries, things like that happen sometimes.
You rollback the code using a rolling deployment method. During the first phase your deployment fails, because the load balancer health check detects your app is down. A broken release? Well then, just rollback to an even earlier version.
The rollback is a success, everything is working as expected. You get praise from management and go back to bed to catch some sleep.
If only. . .
If only there was a php library for making this parallel universe a reality. Well, now — there is!
Introducing the NordSec/StatusChecker library!
Main features
The library comes with a controller that provides you with a status page:
- /status — provides the overall status of the app, useful for load balancer health checks.
- /status/details — provides more detailed information.
We’ve also included a cli command that outputs those details to stdout:
- php bin/console status:check
So, let’s turn our parallel universe scenario into reality using the following basic configuration:
Then, configure your load balancer health check to expect a
There is a caveat though.
If your RabbitMQ server goes down, the status page will change to
Let’s fix that by marking some services as non-critical:
Now, whenever non-essential services go down, your app will continue to function, while still providing your monitoring software with useful output.
Great! What’s next?
Here at NordVPN, we’ve been using open source to build exceptional products, and we now wish to give back to the community.
Expect more open source libraries and helpful tips from us in the future.
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