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Your chance to ask cybersecurity questions that matter to you — and get answers from experienced industry experts.
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Meet the experts
Learn more about the cybersecurity specialists who will be answering your questions.
Marijus Briedis
Chief technology officer, NordVPN
Marijus Briedis is a globally recognised digital security and privacy expert with years of experience in the IT industry. As the CTO at NordVPN, Marijus’ focus is on strategically leading the growth and transformation of NordVPN into a multifaceted cybersecurity solution. Marijus often shares his cybersecurity expertise at events, conferences, and interviews.
Karolis Pabijanskas
Staff engineer, NordVPN
Karolis is an enthusiastic engineering expert with years of experience in the cybersecurity industry. As a staff engineer at NordVPN, his focus is on solving the complex challenges that arise daily to enable other teams to successfully do their job. Karolis believes that privacy-enhancing tech should be accessible to everyone globally.
Ieva Šoblickaitė
Chief product officer, NordPass
Ieva is an experienced entrepreneur and CPO at NordPass, a cybersecurity solution delivering secure, encrypted password management. Her role is to strategically guide and support her teams in creating accessible cybersecurity products that protect users from cyber threats.
Aivaras Vencevičius
Head of product, NordLocker
Aivaras’ expertise lies in cybersecurity-focused digital product management and development. He heads up NordLocker, an advanced encrypted cloud storage provider and the Cloud-Based Product of the Year (Cyber Security Awards, 2022). Aivaras shares his skills at conferences, events, and universities and enjoys solving complex problems that arise in the creation of cybersecurity solutions.
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