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Meshnet: work, share, play with other devices

Share files, play LAN games, or simply access other devices directly. It’s free!

Use NordVPN account on your multiple devices.

Download Meshnet for your device

Meshnet is available on the following operating systems.

What is Meshnet?

Meshnet is a way to safely access other devices, no matter where in the world they are. Once set up, Meshnet functions just like a secure local area network (LAN) — it connects devices directly. This makes Meshnet a great fit for activities that require high speed, low latency, and advanced security — activities like file sharing, active work collaborations, and intense multiplayer gaming.

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Make every day simpler by connecting your devices

Learn how Meshnet can enhance your daily life.

Remote device access

Keep all your devices with you at all times. With Meshnet, you can safely reach files on your home PC, laptop, phone, or tablet with just a few clicks.

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Play with friends over LAN — even if they’re on the other side of the globe. Meshnet lets you create secure private networks for intense gaming sessions.

meshnet gaming woman laptop headphones xs 2x png

File sharing

Eliminate all intermediaries — Meshnet lets you safely send files directly to other devices. It’s super fast, super private, and super convenient.

meshnet file sharing up xs svg

Joint projects

Collaborate on confidential tasks with enhanced privacy and security. Meshnet lets teams work seamlessly over their own secure private network.

meshnet joint projects couple xs 2x png


Connect devices through your own secure network. No third parties, no snoops — just friends and colleagues working, sharing, or playing.

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Meshnet: simply convenient

Here are just some great things that Meshnet offers for your online life.

Link up to 60 devices

Create secure private networks from up to 10 devices you own and up to 50 external devices.

No configuration needed

Simply switch Meshnet on and invite your friends to your network using their unique Meshnet name.

Traffic routing

Let your friends access the internet using your device’s IP address — just like if you were a VPN server.

Frequently asked questions