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Home PPPoE


(also The Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet)

PPPoE definition

PPPoE is a network protocol that encapsulates Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) within the Ethernet link-layer protocol. PPPoE combines the security features of PPP and Ethernet, which supports multiple users on a LAN. PPPoE manages the data traveling over the cable networks. It also allows a single server connection to be divided between multiple clients. As a result, multiple clients can connect to the same server and access the internet simultaneously, unlike PPP, which allows only one-on-one connections. When PPPoE was first implemented, ISPs could start offering internet connection to more people.

See also: DHCP

History of PPPoE

PPPoE was developed by UUNET Technologies in 1999 to allow connecting multiple devices to the internet with a single broadband connection. At the time, most ISPs were still using dial-up connections, which made it challenging to provide always-on internet connectivity. As the internet scope and the demand for higher internet speeds grew, PPPoE offered a viable solution and became an industry standard.

PPPoE use cases

PPPoE is commonly used in residential broadband connections, such as DSL and fiber, to provide a secure connection between the user and their internet service provider. In the case of wireless networks, PPPoE establishes a secure connection between the user and their wireless access point. It is also used in corporate networks, where it allows users to access their corporate network safely.

PPPoE stages

  1. 1.During the discovery stage, the PPPoE client sends out a message to the local network, asking for the MAC address of the PPPoE server. The server responds with its MAC address, which the client then uses to establish a session ID. After these initial steps are completed, the user can select the PPPoE server they wish to use.
  2. 2.Once the connection is established, the session phase begins. PPPoE starts the data transfer, and the user can securely access the internet via PPP.