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IT security

(also information technology security)

IT security definition

IT security (or information technology security) is a set of measures and practices that organizations use to keep digital information safe from various risks and threats. It involves using tools, techniques, and rules to protect computers, devices, networks, and the data they contain.

The goal of IT security is to ensure that only authorized people can access and use the company’s digital resources while keeping out those who might try to steal, damage, or misuse them. This includes guarding against things like viruses, hackers, and other types of online dangers that could harm your personal information, important files, or devices.

See also: AES encryption, application firewall

Key components of IT security

  • Access control. Limiting who can access systems and data to prevent unauthorized entry.
  • Authentication. Verifying the identity of users and devices to make sure they’re who they claim to be.
  • Encryption. Converting information into code to keep it private and protected from unauthorized access.
  • Firewalls. Shields that filter network traffic to protect someone unauthorized from accessing it.
  • Antivirus software. Tools that scan and remove malicious software (e.g., viruses).
  • Patch management. Regularly updating software to fix vulnerabilities and protect against attacks.
  • Backup and recovery. Creating copies of data to restore systems in case of data loss or breaches.
  • Incident response. Having a plan to quickly and effectively handle security breaches.
  • User awareness. Raising awareness among users about potential security threats and how to respond.
  • Vulnerability management. Identifying and addressing weaknesses that could be exploited.